Sunday, February 28, 2010

Trail Conditions

We ended up with 12" of heavy wet snow and another 2" today. Everything is groomed up and in great shape, judging by all the smiles on the trail, folks where having a good ride. The Lobster Trip trail was plowed up again and we spent 3 hours putting the trail back down on a groom that should have taken an hour or less.

We are hooking up with the Pittston Farm Groomer at the north end of NE Carry Road and the Burbank Road on the Moosehead Loop. We are grooming the side of the Lobster Trip Road with the Land Mangers permission. Be careful, it's a multi-use trail and there are vehicles on sharing the road.

We need to hear from you, start typing and tell us how the trails are. Off to do the Salmon Trail, just rode and it's washboard.....sorry just groomed it yesterday afternoon. Temps dropped below 30F, so where good to groom.



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