Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Catching up from a long time off this blog. I'll start updating it regularly now with snow on the ground. The West Branch is froze over and should start moving it's way around Graveyard Point in a week or so. We have 4-6" of snow on the ground. Enough to get you attention and know that ole man winter is moving in.

Re-tracked the PB240 last week and re-belting the the PB170. The 170 will be on it's way down to Abol Bridge to do some grooming on ITS86. Not sure on the exact trails up here this year, just got word that more cutting in the area will be happening this winter. We will be hooked up to the Ragged trails somehow. Should have it nailed down by the end of the year.

Firewood season is here. Cut and split 4 cords yesterday, 4 more cords should do it!